
Focus Friday: Automating Financial Decisions We have been increasing rhythm in our finances by automating decisions in line with our values. There are many financial books we have learned a lot from. To see the list click here.

Focus Friday: Eating in Rhythm We have been using food to ground our week and give us something to look forward to as we gather around the table.

Focus Friday: Four Walls

With COVID-19 wreaking havoc on our economy and way of life, we are focusing this week on mindfulness in our finances by pausing, resetting, and securing our four walls.

Focus Friday: Food Over Fear

In this uncertain time with Coronavirus going around, and grocery stores selling out of some food items, gardening can be a good way to connect with food and stave off fear. It connects us back to the earth and seasons and answers the question: where does my food come from? Let's be mindful about food … Continue reading Focus Friday: Food Over Fear

Focus Friday: Mindful Kids

This week Stephanie talks about resources to encourage mindfulness in children. There are some great books out there to encourage kids to deal with emotions, acknowledge their needs, and bring themselves back to the moment.

Focus Friday: Mindful Faith

This week's Focus Friday video starts a fresh cycle through the focus factors, this time with the theme of mindfulness. Stephanie shares her experience this past few weeks with starting a meditation practice, and some thoughts about how it's helped her. How do you pause during your daily grind to be more mindful, especially when … Continue reading Focus Friday: Mindful Faith

Focus Friday: Don’t Let the Fun Times Slip By

Life is hectic. Sometimes it's all we can do to hold on and get through without losing our marbles. Unfortunately, when we don't lift our heads up to enjoy the fun moments with friends and family when we have them, those moments can slip by unnoticed. Moments turn into days, day into weeks, and weeks … Continue reading Focus Friday: Don’t Let the Fun Times Slip By

Focus Friday: Made to Move

We're meant to use our bodies to get moving and enjoy all that life and our surroundings have to offer! What motivates you to move on your path to a level one life? This week, Stephanie talks about taking steps to re-align with the your fitness goals, becoming the you you've always wanted to be. Share your fitness goals on social media with the hashtags #LevelOneLife and #MadeToMove.